Séparateur à hydrocarbures en polyéthylène V100 BY-PASS - 6650

Séparateur à hydrocarbures en polyéthylène - V100 BY-PASS - 6650 - SIMOP
Séparateur à hydrocarbures en polyéthylène - V100 BY-PASS - 6650 - SIMOP
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en polyéthylène


An oil separator is a device designed to trap hydrocarbons in suspension in waste water. It must be preceded by a silt storage unit which retains heavy matter. Decree No. 77-254 of the 8th March 1977 prohibits the spilling of lubricants, new or spent oils, into surface and/or underground water in the street. Oil separators fitted with a coalescer are perfectly suited to treating water from service stations, car parks, covered car parks etc. in accordance with requirements of Order 261 Bis, section 1434 concerning flammable liquids. There are two possible protective covers for the separator : - Polyethylene rectangular frame (total accessibility) - Manhole cover Ø 600 (a cast iron cover adapted to the moving load is required) An additional piece of equipment, the oil level alarm is a mandatory element of additional equipment, except if a special derogation has been obtained from local authorities. Reference: ANH2-3 (with power supply).


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